If you just want to confirm a card is valid without holding funds on the card, you can use Account Verify. This confirms the validity of a credit card without charging the card or holding funds. You don’t need the physical card to use Account Verify, so this is particularly handy if you use an online booking platform and want to confirm the card straight away.
Any business that offers their goods or services in advance of taking payment will benefit from using credit card pre-authorisations to manage payments. Here are some ideas for using credit card pre-authorisation in your business:
Use a pre-auth as a security deposit to ensure your customer has the funds to cover the insurance excess should the vehicle incur any damage during the rental period. Open the pre-auth in one location and retrieve and complete it at another when the customer returns the vehicle. Delayed charges can't be used to cover toll fees or speeding fines, but they can be used for late return fees, fuel fees and some admin charges. Include Account Verify in your pre-hire checks to ensure the card is valid.
Offering bar tabs encourages customers to stay at your premises longer and increases average spend. But there is a risk of losing out on revenue if your customers 'do a runner'. Using credit card pre-authorisation reduces your risk of fraud and theft, while also making it easier for your staff to manage tabs and for your customers to order from you. Here's six reasons why bars should be using credit card pre-auths to manage tabs.
As well as reducing the risk of fraud and theft, credit card pre-authorisation can help make check-in and check-out easier for you and your guests since they only have to present their card once. You can even offer an express check-out service! Account Verify can validate that a credit card number used to make an online booking is a valid card. Learn more about how accommodation businesses can use credit card pre-authorisation here.
If you have a Verifone EFTPOS terminal getting set up to take credit card pre-authorisation is really simple. It's free to use and free to enable with a simple call to our customer services team (0800 EFTPOS, option 3).
We do recommend doing some pre-planning before you start taking credit card pre-auths, however. We cover off the four key things you'll need to do before you get started here.