FAQs about the 2024 EFTPOS Upgrade

FAQs about the 2024 EFTPOS Upgrade

PCI 3.x devices are approaching their sunset date. If you still have a PCI 3.x EFTPOS terminal after September 30, you risk disconnection from your payment network rendering your device inoperable.

Did the deadline change?
Yes, the sunset date was revised to 30 September 2024 from an earlier date of 30 June 2024 to give terminal providers sufficient time to complete the removal of PCI 3.x devices from the EFTPOS networks.

How can I tell if my terminal is a PCI 3.x device?
Check the Device Register on the Payments NZ website here, or download our handy checklist which lists all PCI 3.x EFTPOS terminals registered in New Zealand below.

PCI 3.X EFTPOS Upgrades Checklist

Form CTA

If you're an Eftpos NZ customer you don't need to do anything. Your terminal is either already compliant, or we'll be in touch about upgrading you well ahead of the deadline.

Why haven't I received a letter or email about this?
It's standard practice for EFTPOS terminal providers to proactively upgrade their long-term subscription customers for PCI security compliance upgrades. However, there are still thousands of PCI 3.X devices in-market which suggests that many EFTPOS providers are still yet to upgrade the majority of their customers.

Why should I upgrade now? Can't I just wait until September?
There are still thousands of PCI 3.x devices in the market. We recommend upgrading ASAP to avoid delays caused by high demand closer to the deadline. After September 30, your PCI 3.x device is at risk of disconnection from the payment network.

Who is making my terminal non-compliant?
Payments NZ is the governing body in New Zealand that establishes device lifecycle dates based on the international PCI PIN Transaction Security Point of Interaction Standard.

Why do EFTPOS terminals need sunset dates?
As fraud techniques and technology evolve rapidly, each standard has a finite lifespan. PCI retires its standards when it deems them no longer sufficient, pushing the industry towards adopting newer, more robust security protocols. This system guarantees the ongoing protection of sensitive card data, keeping it safe from unauthorised breaches by ensuring that EFTPOS devices are equipped with advanced and secure technology. This proactive approach ensures that businesses stay ahead of potential threats and maintain the integrity of their payment systems

How do Payments NZ set the sunset dates?
The sunset date is typically approximately three years after the PCI standard expires. This timeline allows merchants ample time to transition to a new and enhanced PCI standard. The 3.x standard from PCI reached its expiration on 30 April 2021.

How do I upgrade?
If you're not an Eftpos NZ customer, or you own your terminal, we can help! We can help you check your terminal and provide a quick and easy upgrade if you need it. You can learn more about switching to us here.

Eftpos NZ PCI 3.x EFTPOS Upgrade Android

Upgrade to Android EFTPOS with Eftpos NZ today and get 12 months FREE terminal rental, plus free surcharging.*




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